Friday, October 24, 2008

What I Think about Blogging

I think blogs are a good way to put your ideas and opinions out for someone to read. Sometimes there usefull for things like advritisements. I would say I would like to make a blog about my comics and some of my friends comic charicters. I really don't think anyone wants to read a blog about books.

Book Reviw for "The House of the Scorpion"

Matt is a clone of one of the greatest drug lords to inhabit future mexico. Matteo Alcran, also known as El Patron. El patron is an old man near death and Matt wounders, why was he created? While being raised by his care taker, Celia, Matt meets Maria and learns his true destiny and his purpose for life.

I really enjoyed this science fiction novel by Nancy Farmer. I was glad that it was recomended to me. Its one of those books that keeps you guessing the whole time you read it; and even once your finised, you want to read it again hoping to discover more. All of the characters have such personality and depth, like you actully know them. It has a slow and steady start then it speeds up to the point that it blows up in your face at the end. Farmer has outdone herself. I highly recomend this book and for a score out of a possible 10 points, I give it a wopping 20.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Quotation 3 from "The House of the Scorpion"

Quote: "Yor frend Tam Lin"

This quote was in the letter Tam gave matt. Since Matt is a clone adn everyone considers him an animal, he has no friends but his bodyguard, Tam Lin. It is a very special thing to him because it is one of the few friends he has and on of the few people who will actually talk or listen to him.

Quotation 2 from The "House of the Scorpions"

Quote: " Because Matt wasn't even a normal forest living beast. He was the thing in the bed."

This if is probubly one of the most important quote in the book. I tells why everyone thinks of him the waqy they do. It tells how every normal person thinks he is a new form of discusting. The worst thing possiblely created. The wild, uncontrolable clone in the hospitle bed.

Quotation 1 from "The House of the Scorpions"

Quote: "If you didn't know Tom well you would think he was an angle bringing you the keys to the pearly gates."

This is an important quote from the book because it is dead on when it discribes the charactor Tom. Tom is an evil lying little boy who pretends to act nice around strangers and his family, but he really hides his true self. When you first meet him you would think he was an little angle.

Friday, October 10, 2008

What I would change in Stuck in Stuck in Neutral

In my book, Stuck in Neutral, I would like to change the fact that Sean lives. I know, crule, but really dramatic. I think this would give the book some more action and something the reader is not expecting. Some readers might not like this, but heres the catch, his father isn't going to be the thing to kill him. One of his seizors will get to rough and out of hand even for Shawn's medichin can't control. So he dies. It would be at the part int the end when his father is sitting on the send of his bed about to kill him. Instead of his father seeing the brilient gleam in his eye, he puts the pillow on his face then Shawn goes into the seizor and passes. His father will cry because he thinks he's the one that killed him and Shawn's spirtit will float free to be the 14 year old boy he dreamed of being for so long.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Connection to self for Stuck in Neutral

The way Cindy and paul talk and laugh together reminds me alot of how well me and het get along . You would expect the oposite from us beacause were always stuck in the house together, but really, we only have each other. Don't get me wrong, my sister and I fight all the time , we just get along even more. And them helping keep there dad from killing Shawn is like the one time my sister and I found a dog andour mom threated to callthe pound. Unfortunatly the pound did come and took the dog,I think this comparison helped me understand the reactions of Paul and Cindy.